
Why intuition is an important creative skill for Inclusive Arts Practitioners.


Inclusive Arts Practitioners have the ability to dig beneath the surface and read people and situations accurately. They are incredibly observant, and that makes their thought process both deep and complex. They don’t take things for what they may seem to be on first impression and have the ability of perception and intuition. An Inclusive Arts Practitioner understands human actions, relationships, and body language exceptionally well, practitioners have a strong understanding of books, art, performance and anything expressive that requires prolonged explanation. They like to look at things from the “other’s” perspective and are interested in giving voice to marginalised, or hard to reach individuals through all kinds of artistic practice.

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I am fascinated to see a common thread of intuition emerge between all types of practitioners who specialise in inclusive arts. The ability to adapt to the environment, the materials at hand, tuning into mood whilst achieving something meaningful are all essential parts of being a successful Inclusive Arts Practitioner. Practitioners share an uncanny ability to develop through the medium of art, meaningful connections with individuals who are disengaged, distressed or marginalised.

Within the industry of Inclusive Arts Practitioners and therapists, intuition is fostered as “best-practice,” but is known by many names: Psychoanalyst Theodore Reike’s book, “Listening with the Third Ear,” describes how psychoanalysts intuitively put their unconscious minds to assist them to better understanding their clients’. The result of this can be described as a sort of “attunement.” US Author, artist and renowned Art Therapist, Edith Kramer introduced the concept, “The Art Therapist Third Hand Intervention.” Whilst Dan Spiegel, Neuroscience guru uses “mindsight” to describe the ability to combine the insight needed to know one’s own feelings whilst skillfully balancing the empathetic capacity to know what others feel.

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I am really grateful to have undertaken an MA in this artistic field of “outsider” art as it’s really underpinned my practice and enabled me to stay “safe” whilst working with individuals who may be more difficult to engage. Also in terms of my own practice, which is street-art, it’s enabled me to operate in the public setting more easily. This setting is quite challenging in many ways, and my next blog will have some recommendations about that.

Thanks for reading!


Pause, Reflect, Evolve


Beltane Fire Festival